Mapsted Navigation Gives Indoor Navigation To Specific Stores in Malls or Shopping Centers in Toronto
While we were walking with my wife through one of the biggest shopping malls in Europe, we were frustrated that we couldn’t find our favorite brands. Frustrated and tired, we quickly chatted “wouldn’t be great if there is an app that would navigate us to the stores we want in this mall”. Earlier this month I read about the app Mapsted Navigation and for now it is the only app that provides great indoor store navigation but currently works only in Toronto.
How it works?
Mapsted uses patented technology to provide the users with highly accurate and step-by-step indoor navigations. The maps have accurate and precise information about the locations of stores, wash and bathrooms, service kiosks and other amenities in a building.
Currently they have a map of the biggest malls and shopping centers in Toronto. To provide detailed maps and stores directions they’ve had to collaborate with these malls and with the businesses/brands within these malls.
It is great that the app not only provides the maps, but also step by step directions giving you great help throughout your search for your favorites stores.
This navigation app does not require usage of Wi-Fi or mobile data connection for it to work. All you need to do is download the map for a specific mall and you are set to go. It also does not abuse your phone’s battery power so you don’t need to worry about ending up with emptied up battery or even worse a turned off device in the middle of your shopping spree.
The Mapsted Navigation developers are currently working on updating the app with maps for other indoor spaces such as university and college campuses, airports, hospitals, convention centers, public office buildings and other indoor facilities. This makes Mapsted Navigation a true and rare gem in the ocean of navigation apps.
Currently it is available for Android with soon to published on iOS.